For the past year, I have been waiting for breast reduction surgery to help alleviate the back, shoulder and neck pain that has plagued me since my children were born. I was on the wait list for a year and at the end of January I received a call saying that a date had come up for February 7th. Two weeks. I took the date, afraid that I'd wait indefinitely for another date to come up and I didn't want to wait. Up until this point, I was taking ibuprofen every night to deal with the pain in my next, back and shoulders. So, I got prepared for surgery. Informed my principal and the school board, filled out all the necessary paperwork and planned for my replacement. It was a whirlwind two weeks, but it got done and early on Friday, February 7th, I went to Abbotsford Hospital for my day surgery and the first step in reclaiming my health.
It's been almost three weeks since I had the surgery and I am recovery well. One side, my left is healing better than the other, but that is because I do most things with my right hand and arm. Its to be expected. I'm still not supposed to lift anything over 10lbs (meaning my children)and reaching up high is on the "no" list. My incisions are still tender, particularly underneath, meaning that I
am not able to wear a bra; just a gauze wrap bandage and support
padding. I am glad that I did this, not only for the pain issues, but also to help my body image. I still tire easily, but try to get out and walk for both exercise and fresh air. I have to admit that I like being home and could get used to this. I get to walk Nicholas to school every day, which I really love and read more than a chapter of a book during the day.
This is another thing checked off my list. Next up? Getting ready to do a "walk to run" program. By this time next year, I hope to be a healthier version of myself. But right now I'm just taking one day at a time.